Personal Information Reference (Magento 1.x)

This is one in a series of topics to help Magento merchants and developers prepare for compliance with privacy regulations. Consult with your legal counsel to determine whether and how your business should comply with any legal obligations.

Use the following data flow diagrams and database entity mappings for reference when developing compliance programs for privacy regulations such as:

Dataflow diagrams

The data flow diagrams show the types of data that customers and administrators can enter and retrieve on the storefront and Admin.

Frontend data entry points

A user can enter customer, address, and payment information when registering for an account, during checkout, and similar events.

Frontend data entry points

Frontend data access points

Magento loads customer information when the customer logs in and views several different pages or checks out.

Frontend data access points

Backend data entry points

A merchant can enter customer, address, and payment information from the Admin to create a customer or order.

Backend data entry points

Backend data access points

Magento loads customer information when a merchant views several types of grids, clicks on a grid to see detailed information, and performs various other tasks.

Backend data access points

Database entities

Magento 1 stores customer information in customer, sales, and other database tables.

Customer data

Magento 1 stores customer information in the customer_entity and customer_address_entity tables. Both of these tables have several reference tables that can contain custom customer attributes.

customer_entity and reference tables

The following columns in the customer_entitytable contain customer information:

Column Data type
email varchar(255)

These tables reference customer_entity and can contain custom customer attributes:

Table Column Data type
customer_entity_datetime value datetime
customer_entity_decimal value decimal(12,4)
customer_entity_int value int(11)
customer_entity_text value text
customer_entity_varchar value varchar(255)

customer_address_entity and reference tables

The following tables reference customer_address_entity and can contain custom customer attributes:

Table Column Data type
customer_address_entity_datetime value datetime
customer_address_entity_decimal value decimal(12,4)
customer_address_entity_int value int(11)
customer_address_entity_text value text
customer_address_entity_varchar value varchar(255)

Order data

The sales_flat_order and related tables contain the customer’s name, billing and shipping addresses, and related information.

sales_flat_order table

The following columns in the sales_order table contain customer information:

Column Data type
customer_id int(10)
customer_email varchar(128)
customer_firstname varchar(128)
customer_gender int(11)
customer_lastname varchar(128)
customer_middlename varchar(128)
customer_prefix varchar(32)
customer_suffix varchar(32)
customer_taxvat varchar(32)
remote_ip varchar(32)

sales_flat_order_address table

The sales_flat_order_address table contains the customer’s address.

Column Data type
customer_id int(10)
fax varchar(255)
region varchar(255)
postcode varchar(255)
lastname varchar(255)
street varchar(255)
city varchar(255)
email varchar(255)
telephone varchar(255)
firstname varchar(255)
prefix varchar(255)
suffix varchar(255)
middlename varchar(255)
company varchar(255)
vat_id text

sales_flat_order_grid table

The following columns in the sales_flat_order_grid table contain customer information:

Column Data type
customer_id int(10)
shipping_name varchar(255)
billing_name varchar(255)

sales_flat_order_payment table

The following columns in the sales_flat_order_payment table contain customer information:

Column Data type
cc_exp_month varchar(255)
cc_ss_start_year varchar(255)
echeck_bank_name varchar(128)
echeck_type varchar(255)
cc_ss_start_month varchar(255)
cc_owner varchar(255)
cc_exp_year varchar(255)
echeck_routing_number varchar(255)
echeck_account_name varchar(255)

Quote data

Quotes contain a customer’s name, email, address, and related information.

sales_flat_quote table

The following columns in the sales_flat_quote table contain customer information:

Column Data type
customer_id int(10)
customer_tax_class_id int(10)
customer_group_id int(10)
customer_email varchar(255)
customer_prefix varchar(40)
customer_firstname varchar(255)
customer_middlename varchar(40)
customer_lastname varchar(255)
customer_suffix varchar(40)
customer_dob datetime
customer_note varchar(255)
remote_ip varchar(255)
customer_gender varchar(255)

sales_flat_quote_address table

The following columns in the sales_flat_quote_address table contain customer information:

Column Data type
email varchar(255)
prefix varchar(40)
firstname varchar(255)
middlename varchar(40)
lastname varchar(255)
suffix varchar(40)
company varchar(255)
street varchar(255)
city varchar(255)
region varchar(255)
postcode varchar(255)
fax varchar(255)

sales_flat_quote_payment table

The sales_flat_quote_payment table includes credit card information and other transactional information.

Column Data type
cc_last_4 varchar(255)
cc_owner varchar(255)
cc_exp_month smallint(5)
cc_exp_year smallint(5)
cc_ss_owner varchar(255)
cc_ss_start_month smallint(5)
cc_ss_start_year smallint(5)

Archive data

The following tables and columns contain customer information:

Table Column Data type
enterprise_sales_creditmemo_grid_archive billing_name varchar(255)
enterprise_sales_invoice_grid_archive billing_name varchar(255)
enterprise_sales_order_grid_archive billing_name varchar(255)
enterprise_sales_order_grid_archive customer_id int(10)
enterprise_sales_order_grid_archive shipping_name varchar(255)
enterprise_sales_shipment_grid_archive shipping_name varchar(255)

Sales data

The following tables and columns contain customer information:

Table Column Data type
sales_flat_creditmemo_grid billing_name varchar(255)
sales_flat_invoice_grid billing_name varchar(255)

RMA data

The following RMA tables and columns contain customer information:

Table Column Data type
enterprise_rma customer_custom_email varchar(255)
enterprise_rma_grid customer_id int(10)
enterprise_rma_grid customer_name varchar(255)

Miscellaneous data

The following tables and columns contain customer information:

Table Column Data type
core_email_queue_recipients recipient_email varchar(128)
core_email_queue_recipients recipient_name varchar(255)
customer_flowpassword email varchar(255)
customer_flowpassword ip varchar(50)
enterprise_giftregistry_person email varchar(150)
enterprise_giftregistry_person firstname varchar(100)
enterprise_giftregistry_person lastname varchar(100)
enterprise_giftregistry_person middlename text
enterprise_invitation customer_id int(10)
enterprise_invitation email varchar(255)
enterprise_invitation referral_id int(10)
enterprise_reminder_rule_coupon customer_id int(10)
enterprise_reminder_rule_coupon emails_failed smallint(5)
enterprise_scheduled_operations email_receiver varchar(150)
enterprise_scheduled_operations email_sender varchar(150)
gift_message customer_id int(10)
gift_message recipient varchar(255)
gift_message sender varchar(255)
newsletter_subscriber customer_id int(10)
newsletter_subscriber subscriber_email varchar(150)
persistent_session customer_id int(10)
persistent_session info text
poll_vote customer_id int(10)
poll_vote ip_address varbinary(16)
rating_option_vote customer_id int(10)
rating_option_vote remote_ip varchar(50)
rating_option_vote remote_ip_long varbinary(516)
send_friend_log ip varbinary(16)

Other tables that reference Customer:

  • catalog_compare_item
  • downloadable_link_purchased
  • enterprise_customerbalance
  • enterprise_customersegment_customer
  • enterprise_giftregistry_entity
  • enterprise_reminder_rule_log
  • enterprise_reward
  • log_customer
  • log_visitor_online
  • oauth_token
  • product_alert_price
  • product_alert_stock
  • report_compared_product_index
  • report_viewed_product_index
  • review_detail
  • sales_billing_agreement
  • sales_flat_shipment
  • sales_recurring_profile
  • salesrule_coupon_usage
  • salesrule_customer
  • tag
  • tag_relation
  • wishlist