Newbie installation first steps

Newbie installation

Before you can install the Magento software, you must get your hosted system ready. This topic is geared specifically for GoDaddy but you can use the same instructions for any other hosting provider.

If you don’t use GoDaddy, you might need to contact your hosting provider’s technical support for specific questions.

Step 1: Verify the software on your system

Magento requires the following software to run:

  • Web server: Apache 2.2 or 2.4
  • Programming language: PHP 5.6.x or 5.5.x
  • Database: MySQL 5.6.x

We recommend you contact GoDaddy support to verify all of the preceding are installed and get their assistance if any of the software is not installed.

For complete details, see System requirements.

Step 2: Start the cPanel configuration utility

To start configuring your hosted system:

  1. Log in with your provided credentials.
  2. On the first page, in the Web Hosting row, click Manage.
  3. If necessary, log in to cPanel.

Step 3: Configure a database and a database user